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And the grandson of relatives, the political relationship is understandable.


Preliminary knowledge, (the Korean Blog public)


Shin KANEMARU(9/17/1914 - 3/28/1996)

Kanemaru, Takeshita and Ozawa are sung in Mie, and wife of Noboru TAKESHITA's younger brother and Ozawa's wife were in sisters.

The following are related to Shinichi KATSURA's grandmother(Shamisen player).

You will find relationship of mother of Yuko ASANO, Yuko ASANO and Chikage OGI and Hajime ISHII.

YMAGUCHI Gumi also.


2012-11-06 18:13

Title: Yuko ASANO, her father  Hajime ISHII, 2 year Stanford Univ, CA. US.


Yuko ASANO is divided to her father at the age of 3,

Hajime ISHII of Liberal Democratic Party politician (KOBE) is the father.


he resigned recently, the upper House Budget Committee Chairman,

he was still more famous for incumbent politicians.


The father Hajime ISHII of Yuko ASANO,

She reportedly battling Tamiya GORO and

dating was published,

Tamiya had fell by subarachnoid hemorrhage,

she become a limb of him,that was talking about

newely memory.


Ordinary people's of the Yuko ASANO

It thought this remark was not.

It think she was really loved it.


Summarize the relationship of Yuko ASANO and his father Hajime ISHII.

(That why? hidden Mother Name, is it Korean?)


-The mother of Yuko ASANO

Said was Kobe Hanakuma, high-class Japanese Restaurant "KAMII" Geisha.


KojiroIUCHI has been installed Tamura phone to KAMII onestore previously in 1986  (Near Sannomiya Station before the earthquakewere destroyed in the earthquake and the different shops here.

-At the time with representatives of the Liberal Democratic Party said,

Noboru TAKESHITA (grandfather of singer DAIGO)

Geisha had a particularly friendly.

Is the mother before it still conceive a Yuko ASANO.


-Noboru TAKESHITA had visited KOBE city

frequently, such as monthly.


-Stone wells one was used as a close aide was Noboru TAKESHITA.


-Hajime ISHII's father is member of the Parliament of the Hyogo Prefecture.


-Conceive Yuko ASANO still the bamboo under the grain before the mother,

Hajime ISHII to Redeemer.


-Direct stores also let, we built the House.


-In the amount of deposit more than 100,000, 000 JPY.


-The money, first building a house in Takasho, Nada-Ku.

Further open snack bar in SannomiyaKOBE city


-Hajime ISHII had spoke out to acquaintances, so busy Snack bar every day.


-And soon after that,born a baby as Yuko ASANO.


Hajime ISHII and Noboru TAKESHITA relative below.

Real name is Naito DAIGO (as Daigo)

Born in Tokyo, Japan.

The Arts Office's A-PLUS (A-team series).

Maternal grandfather's former House of representatives, no. 74 Prime Minister Noboru TAKESHITA.

Daigo's sister “Eiki EIKI”, cartoonist.

Shin KANEMARU relatives and Ichiro OZAWA also.


That seems, have reltionship with Japan Ministry of Education.

Eiki EIKI, 12/6/1971-, Japan manga artist and Illustrator.

Real name is Eiki EIKI was Born in Tokyo, Japan. Self-portrait (self-proclaimed "substitution") is black rabbit.

Allies and Tsudami KIYO afterword Anime (one's White bear ) also appeared.

Grandfather was no. 74 Prime Minister Noboru TAKESHITA, DAIGO is vocalist of BREAKERZ's younger brother.

Cousin relationship with Yuki YUKI (the eldest son of Shin Kanemaru, Yasunobu and Noboru TAKESHITA's eldest daghter's daughter). Also are meeting with no. 92 Prime Minister Taro Aso.

                              Real Name: Eiko NAITO


                                                                                                    Alive                         Alive

Internationl Criminal Complaint

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