Site Created by Kojiro IUCHI, 2013-11-30
Plaintiff: Kojiro IUCHI.
St. Vincent de Paul Society (MSC South)
525 ,5th Street ,San Francisco,CA, USA. 94107
Phone: +1-415-597-7960 (24 hours)
Kojiro IUCHI's facebook:
Updated: 2014-1-29
IUCHI Family relative Chart.
Before Kotaro IUCHI(井内幸次郎) was died, my grandfather,Kotaro IUCHI(井内幸太郎) was belong to Assistant principal of this school ,
Kotaro IUCHI(井内幸太郎) have mountains and forests in the nearby.
I, Kojiro IUCHI(井内幸次郎), and Kotaro IUCHI(井内幸太郎) and relationship as follows. (This is the proof of property ownership rights).
IUCHI primary school, Miyoshi city ,Tokushima Pref., Japan.
Yamaguchi-gumi with some politician had got crime for
Japan Government had purchased to be "State-owned cultural" my property designated areas near primary school of Tokushima pref.,here.

My Marrided reason, crimal trap by the peoples below.
Mr.OMIYA (Hyogo, KOBE city, Soka Gakkai,chief of Big B Block) with other Seiji TAKEO (former TSUSHIN SETSUBI Consultant),Soka Gakkai YAKUZA Yamaguchi-Gumi, such as Hiroyuki Araki family peoples had arrenged and or involved later.
Seiji TAKEO (TSUSHIN-SETSUBI and graduate of Meiji University), Mutsuo KATAYAMA ( President of TSUSHIN-SETSUBI, graduated from University of Mercantile Marine in KOBE city.) and Musician relative, OSNY Melo (Kb, Brazilian ).
They were coming to Kojiro IUCHI's wedding reception in KOBE city in Dec,1984.
Considered the marriage of convenience.
Mis-wrote : Wrong as 2001, Correct Year as begining of Jan 2012.
Internationl Criminal Complaint

IUCHI family information registration office (such as ward Office) was registered 10 years late to Shigeo IUCHI and has to be born from than actual year.
I seems my father, the 60-year-old as evidence like this.
My father had got the nation pension money,over 60 age already, and the body appearance are wrinkled, storing head had faded.
Grandmother, Tsune IUCHI had went to the coffee shop "Sonny", drinking coffee, owner Mrs.Mori of Soka Gakkai member, OMIYA's (soka Gakkai) friends in Arata cho, KOBE city.
Also, Tsune IUCHI had went to NAKAYAMA clinic (internal medicine) everyday for medical examination.
Tsune IUCHI had joined Soka Gakkai after came to KOBE city my home in 1972, because she want to find friends.
About me, Kojiro IUCHI had thought that Soka Gakkai is optimistic at that time.
Rumors say and uncover the secret of Japan well, registering of the fictional date of birth had been.Japan family registration had Considered to double registration of family information for the property embezzlement and thinking now,
The property embezzlement making with Hall of Tokushima prefecture and Yamaguchi-gumi Yakuza Organization (including the imperial household Agency) are managed.
And Soka Gakkai Korean, Buraku group has had cooperated crime with them also.
Because my mother have a walking problem, she was relying to Soka Gakkai, it maybe from she came to KOBE city, Soka Gakkai Member.
However, my father was don't like Soka Gakkai members well and he got thrown brick to the facilities of Soka Gakkai in the entrance of home.
My father,Shigeo IUCHI had got beat up my mother,Terue IUCHI sometime when she have praying Soka Gakkai in home.
Seems that my father had knew the tricks of the Soka Gakkai System and Yamaguchi-Gumi crime method.
I'm in now also, my father the same feelings.
Kojiro IUCHI

My IUCHI Family's tomb is locate in TOKUSHIMA Prefecture, Shingon Buddaism related temple.
The IUCHI family domicile is Tokushima prefecture !!
IUCHIFamily is the same crest as Japan Government officials crest !!
The date of birth registration of TOKUSHIMA family registration breau is strange !!
That judging based in the human aging process, the date of the IUCHI family registered more than 10 years younger easy!!
Almost all people born in Tokushima, IUCHI family is a premature death.
Even that untimely,if the biological age has adder 10-year-old ?