Site Created by Kojiro IUCHI, 2013-11-30
Plaintiff: Kojiro IUCHI.
St. Vincent de Paul Society (MSC South)
525 ,5th Street ,San Francisco,CA, USA. 94107
Phone: +1-415-597-7960 (24 hours)
Kojiro IUCHI's facebook:
Updated: 2014-1-29
I leave in Shanghai TISI after the project closed then move to Dalian my friends house, Houston Mansion in Dalian.
I think that Dalian easy to live, but she said "her Mother came to Dalian",
so I have to leave her house in Dalian. But I requested her that keep to my goods "BOX 24 cartons", she said OK.
After that I move to Beijing from Dalian by Midnight bus and China train.
Mr.MORITA, MARUBENI Beijing and Hiroshi MIKITANI has had arrangements I came to Beijing, seems cooperated muder crime.
Everyday, Yamaguchi-gumi (KODO-KAI) Yakuza has had Murder attack me by Beijing Crime syndicate, Hong Kong crime syndicate and China northeastern crime sysndicate, like a earthworker peoples in June 2009.
They have used "China Mobile SMS" with lying rumors to "Beijing citizens" also were involved.
for "Location Search", seems some of Beijing Japanese relative cooperated crime.
The geteway building in Beijing, China below.(SONY Beijing has located inside)
Everyday, Yamaguchi-gumi (KODO-KAI) Yakuza has had Murder attack me by Beijing Crime syndicate, Hong Kong crime syndicate and China northeastern crime syndicate, like a earthworker (construction) peoples.
Behind Japan Democrat party peoples, Ichiro OZAWA, KOBE / ASHIYA / TOKUSHIMA pref. politicians and others.
They had dispatching the gangsters for murder me in Beijing, including armed police, gangsters TAXI driver (Beijing people skinhead).
Japan Embassy, TIS, SONY, Toyota, Sumitomo Mitsui Bank (Shanghai ), Japan trading firms and that have criminal cooperation using Beijing armed police via Korean-Jaanese relative Beijing Politician. Beijing armed police (Snow Leopard commando)

I saw the bed on old pipe frame style bed 1 units, like a sick people slept when I rented room,seems corpse storage room in the bare room of concrete.
Because the room the psoft like old blood stains on the concrete ground.
I have slept a little 2 - 3 hours, because I not enough sleep and then go out thought the night.

From In beginning of June, 2009 ,one month long, but Beijing Crime Syndicate and Japanese Yakuza has had still tried to an action of muder me by Beijing TOYOTA Automotive in middle of 2010 and Oct 2011 until Jan 2012 also.
Yamaguchi-gumi(KODO-KAI) had got tracking Marder to Kojiro IUCHI and Beijing Government was continuing.
With Gun and Japanese Long knife.

Followed by a dangerous 24 hours x one month in Beijing, and then middle of 2010, end of 2011 until Jan 2012.
Hong Kong Yakuza had murder attack me in 24 H McDonald's Wangfujing Dajie(王府井) and Dalian's Yakuza, day-night.
Finally, Paul Chan (Polyasia China, IT Company) and Dalian Gang 6 peoples has had came here with Hand-Gun (with China custom people) in daytime, and attacked me, seems China Guangdong gang involved.
In broad daylight, One of Dalian guy (30 years old, tall high) had a gun while looking me a smart trot comingup to about 50 cm. As soon as I put the chest, aimed at the guy , the guy turned back to in back seated Gangs.
Afterwards, the Gang older guy had began phone call in the center seated one person.
The conversation was like this "Mr. LiMr.Li(李) , that cash is paid you? ",maybe he said."(so I paid)"and then older guy said ".....We can't do it!" like a friends talk by Chinese language.
Gang older head is NAKAGAWA!?,Is It? ,The face seem like China people(Chinese-Japanese).
Mr.Li have "Visa Update Request form" that requester's signature is "NAKAGAWA" and chop for subscription Dalian Deveopment Zone Police in Dalian China before I came to Beijing.
This maybe, I have imagined them "Considered to be made the situation at Beijing McDonalds (24 H) can kill me with Hedden Cam Camera Image and Justify the reason for the killing me in broad daylight, passing the money to Beijing politicians from Dalian development zone, Dalian Advertising Agency, Mr.Li(李) for kill me".
This destination of call person suspected, I met him, Mr.Li for "Visa Update Subscription" in Dalian development zone.
Who passing the money to Mr.Li(李) ? , suspected below.
Dalian Hi Think Computer Technology, MARUBENI, Japan McDonald and SUMITOMO-MITSUI relativeof Japanese companies.
Now in Japan and have got crime suspected gangsters to fund or a murderous criminal with SUMITOMO-MITSUI in the financial audit in Nov, 2013.

On the first day in Beijing
At night by the young assailant, homicide attacks.

YAMAGUCHI Gumi YAKUZA had got fire murder in Dalian lost (anime report reference, Houston mansion),
They had planning fire murder again in Beijing, China was planning fire murder.
Oppose side of SONY, Gateway building.
I must Crackdown them by the bomb.

US Embassy in Beijing, China, Gary Lock refuse to I enter US embassy of Beijing ,China, 3rd Jan, 2012.
Seems, He had cooperated with Yamaguchi Gumi and Beijing Gang.
They had attacked headache with Brain Implantable Device now also in San Farancisco USA.
Still got broadcating for negosiated crime to Sanf Francisco,USA, 18th, Nov, 2013

Middle of June, 2009.
I came to Beijing, and only half-month long,
I had slept in streets, benches and McDonald hamburger.
The situation even food costs is not enough.
Every day looking for employment had continued.
I had heard from Northeast Chinese Mr.Wu in Foots Massage Shop, "You should walk to south, found Japanese restaurant! ” (he is young brother of Mr.Wu ,Manager of Beijing Japan Travel (JTB)).
I had try to walking with Beijing pocket guide in Lucky Street Beijing around 4:00 PM.
Then I found Japanese counter bar "COCO Zen" where a door was open.
I was go down the stairs,found the picture in the middle of the stairs.
"It had graced the Panel of Daisaku Ikeda and Ichiro Ozawa, shaking hands".
I think that from now on the son of Daisaku Ikeda, Mr.MORITA ,Toru SASAKI, Hiroshi MIKITANI and Daisaku Ikeda has have crime relationshiop.
(President of Hoster-JP is Daisaku IKEDA's 3rd Son, suspected, Masaaki YAMANAKA had changed company position to
executive officer from President, he have one another network engineering company)
One women came out from under the floor, I try to go step down.
This person is "Ms.Chao(Hometown:China Harbin)"
Coco Zen women shopkeepers.
As an aside
Around the year 2010,when I worked in SET (Beijing)
Jack Copper (Nuralware ,former GE) ,he came to Beijing,
I had introduce her (Ms.Chao) and Toru SASAKI,Light drinking alcohol with Coco-Zen woman shopkeeper , Ms.Chao.
Date Back in Jun, 2009
"One moment, please come over here" was ushered in the Kurazen.
I'm waiting in the Kurazen, Toru SASAKI came out from the back of the store.

It became clear, They had made a hole in an upper rank in a room of Golden Bridge Apartment near ”Zhongnan-hai (China Politician Apartment)" that I borrowed in Beijing, and another Tianzuo International building(security: US Collors in Beijing) in Zhongguancun, and have Injected the sleeping gas!? into the room. The room was smelled of carbon, Suspected "Fire Killing Machine".
In addition to Japanese-affiliated company staff which came to Maiden Voyage Cafe sometime, Suspected muder crime bid-ringing ( President of Beijing NOMURA Research Intentional, UFJ Securities (Hong Kong) Mr.IGUCHI, Canon Mr.AKIYAMA and Yuko MORI of Japan MINNA-No-To Party (Ichiro OZAWA's Cat's Paw).

One day in Middle of Dec, 2011, I want to take lunch and go to FULI Plaza Beijing, near Golden Bridge Hotel Apartment.
I saw the TV in Cantonese restaurants in this upper floor,
It happens in the CCTV news "Barack OBAMA had submitted proposal to the United Nations against violence against individuals."
And Coverage, entrusting this situation in Beijing, was proposed. Around the end of the 12/2011.
When I thinking now, that meaning for about Falun Gong victims also.

Two peoples had appearance in STARBUCKS ,FULI Plaza, Beijing and sat down across from me.
This man over the phone and was talking to premeditated murder (Speak English and Mandarin Chinese).
Seems Beijing Politician (Gangs Boss) in another day again in Starbucks FULI Plaza , He had spooks like this "I arranged in Guangzhou last day, that why could not it? ,I have paid the money and getting ready, I don't have much money now" by Chinese language on the phone.
It could be confirmed their face,Beijing crime poeles on " Video recording in Starbucks, Beijing FULI Plaza".
A few days after, in Starbucks coffee FULI Plaza, I have came often here, drinking coffee on my days off, appearances,the women and the guy like a Beijing Crime syndicate boss (look for Beijing politicians), had talked on the phone by English and Chinese. "You make One Company.....(in Hong Kong for tansfer the money)..., I'll done Just 5 min", etc and had talked with hear voice by English on the phone.
(Women's hairstyles like this "Chignon", but her age is a litte bit more upper age, the guy is Similar face and a litte bit more upper age also, SEE below)
Also, another holiday, I try to go out and glinder Jinqiao international apartment hotel formula ( Golden Bridge Hotel) at the entrance to the overseas Chinese ( maybe, Singapore-Chinese) call out to stop me by the Chinese language.
"Would you like new loading "Singapore Tea", and sitting"had to say. (or Paju, Bak kut teh tea)
I think that crime or unnutural call, refused him on the spot.
He is taller and tightfisted physique , face similar to Ichiro Ozawa.
That tea can kill people. (Features: became ill in bed after tea drink and die when sleeping).
A little while ago, in Singapore there was this episode.
There was the affair died Mr.Shohei ITO, President of Tokyo SET software in Singapore Golf and his friends (President companion) in Year 2010.
Prior to his death Mr.Shohei ITO was leaving such words.
In the hotels in Batam Island, Singapore country.
Mr.Shohei ITO at night, took dinner and say "bad taste" when he ate the dessert, talking to his friend,
and then sleep in each hotel room.
The next morning his friend said "We go to Town, Are you go togather?" to Mr.ITO,
Mr.ITO said "feel is bad, so I'm not going, stay in the room".
At evening time,
Mr.ITO friend had came back from town, and came out call to Mr.ITO "okay?", and he was still no answer,
they had talking to the Hotel Valet, and opened the door.
Shohei ITO was dead while Eris Chair.
This might be crime work with SONY, Japan Development Bank (Korean) and Chinese staff.
I think that Shohei ITO has may be knew my property embezzlement occurs due to SONY and Kyotaru (HQ of KURAZEN, Toru SASAKI), Japan Government Officials(ASO,MOTEGI).
Mr.Shohei ITO during one's life,
I have recommended for go to eat KURAZEN with Mr.Kamimizuguchi(Soka Gakkai) when he came to Beijing.
Mr.Shohei ITO said "that is Yakuza's company", had to say and Kyotaru (KURAZEN Beijing).
I have introduced KURAZEN to Jack Copper with meals and took dinner in Beijing 2010.

One day, it's Mr. Kato that white-haired 65-year-old, Japan language teachers had came to the bar.
He ran a bar in Tokyo in the past but failed and was talking about his own.
Face and Voice are very similar to Hideyo amamoto villain actor.
Kato, crime guy has had workd in Beijing Language University, Japanese teacher in Japanese Yakuza groups
and he use of Korean Chinese, female students for criminal work.
and Beijing Korea-Japanese, Beijing Board of Education also.
Korean-Japanese mean Naturalized Japanese are actually Korean and Chinese Yakuza.
Face is simulator and spook Japanese, but their policy is different completely.
We should be punished to ensure felony them!!!!
South Korean investors has had lived in Beijing ,China.
South Korean investors and some of Beijing politicians work together and live in Beijing.
Beijing politicians have behind Beijing Yakuza by Beijing police has will be caught is progressing.
Beijing crime syndicate have relationship with Dalian crime syndicate especially for Japan Yakuza relative.
Korean-Japanese Yamaguchi-Gumi crime syndicate have strong relationship with Dalian and Beijing especially. And Beijing Board of Education organization with the money also.
Korean-Japanese Yamaguchi-Gumi crime syndicate had cooperated crime with a part of the Japan politician, Ichiro Ozawa as Korean-Japanese, Korea President (Pak), Yamaguchi-gumi (SONY Beijing, NTT, MARUBENI, TOYOTA and ITOCHU, SUMITOMO-MITSUI),
They had cash to feed on approach to Beijing.
Koreans in Japan called the Yakuza female Yakuza organization, criminal bid-rigging with Beijing, Dalian, Korea,some of East United States, Korean or Chinese wife relative.
Korea President (Pak) is considered to be responsible while Japan and Korea of Chinese Chinese female Yakuza organization, women's lib world rumors to make.
Japan's Yakuza organization takes the margin trading in Beijing and foreign companies always have tried to form a group.
Hiroshi MIKITANI (RAKUTEN) is teamed with Masayoshi SON (Softbank), e.g. on E-trade's Shanghai, China.
In Northeast China, Jilin province Jilin city, Liaoning province, Dalian City have done Japan language education for students.
That is why? ,Northeast China,
They are teamed up with the Yamaguchi-gumi and MARUBENI for send student to be naturalized Japanese .
MARUBENI have employs active students of the Beijing city now.
(Sending to Japan the preparation)
Northeast China and Korea are geographically near,
Be called ethnic Korean in Northeast China, Chinese takes up the most.
They was forced suicide by Jumping to me in this building of 20 floor and Fire Killing machine (with Brain Implantable Device Communication).

I had went to police station Beijing Tuanjiehu (团结湖)for create arrest record of China Yakuza (Northeast, Beijing, Guangzhou)
Beijing Tuanjiehu (团结湖)police record (it's 2 times and 1 st time at Chaowai POLICE), were recorded.
I got to charge cell phone batteries at Tuanjiehu police Station at same time.
As after recorded the arrest note, I was go out in the alley in front of the police station.
After about 30 minutes, Young armed police leader (around 30 years) and one girl (around 20 years old) had came to this police station arrived before I met him in Sanyuan Bridge (三元橋), The Gateway Building.
They don't relize me and then went into the police station.
I had hidden in the grass and looking at their actions, two people came out from the police station.
And they had to talk about something, his voice was cleared and speaking by Chinese, like this "TIS Inc is villainous company!!" confirmed.
I thought that "TIS inc have got sent the cash and ask homicide him in Beijing, asked this young man" suspected.
"TIS Inc are
Shohei MIYASHITA (he had visited in Washington January 2013),Masaki CHITOSE,AMEMIYA,Shoji ATAKA (Now also every day talking to another Broadcast by) and Shinji OGAWA involved in this crime
It is considered the secret organization of the Communist Party of China (王王忝).
I thought that cooperated with Dalian officials, Yamaguchi-gumi BoE and MORITA.
(The original crime did with Kobe-Yamaguchi gumi and TIS).
I thought that "Somebody had requested "location" by a mail writing to the Beijing citizens until the end of 6/2009" and
One day, One girl had wrote the mobile SMS, front of me in the train of Beijing subway,and "王王忝" was written on.

One day, I thought I would spend the night at McDonald's in Beijing (24 H) dangerous,
I decided to stay in the waiting room of the Chaowai POLICE station (Small).
(Don't mistake here is "Small Chaowai POLICE station", Not Big Chaowai POLICE)
The next morning, Guangdong people Gangs (thugs), 3 peoples had flocked to Small Chaowai POLICE station,
I have not recognize arbitrary accusation said they was.
Saying like this "He brought by 200,000, 000 JPY".
I thought that I'm not recognize to arbitrary accusation saying who??
and seems force accusation by Yamaguchi Gumi MORITA MARUBENI and Hiroshi MIKITANI, 刘军(Liu Jun) and
王悦(Wang Yue) of Dalian Hi think Computer Technology Co(大连华信) ,于德泉(Yu Dequan) Commissoner of Dalian City labor and Social Security Bureau and Paul Chan, etc in June 2009.
I met 于德泉(Yu Dequan) with the dinner in Dalian, China, 刘军(Liu Jun) arrenged.
attend Japanese Company, such as DHC relative, NEC software, NEC medical dalian and Japan staff and others.
刘军(Liu Jun) Liu Jun was there several times visited the NEC of Japan Kyushu, Oita city.
Yamaguchi-Gumi gangsters had got traped to purchase an expensive altar and donation for Soka Gakkai believers,
They have got remote murder with Brain Implantable Device for take away the property with the violent group finally,
their target is Native Japanese of Japan land property especially. Continue to embezzlement and bribery.

In 2011,
I had finished work of the workplace of the Zhongguangcun, Beijing Friendship Hotel,SET (Beijing),
and then had took EIZEN Japanese dinner with got an overtime JOB on my PC then before I back home always .
I have got TAXI in Xinyuanli(新源里)for back home(Zhongguangcun Tianzuo International Apartment) around 2 or 1 O'clock in mid night always.
One day, I want to back home then go out EIZEN(新源里), where the taxi to stop out on the road,
I saw the large dump car had over engine to stop at a road.
"That dump car was loaded the dirt of cargo,heaped and the driver was setting the seat".
I thought that why the dump is required in the mid night, maybe, somebody had stunned me in the construction site after punched down me, Considered plans.
Takenaka Corporation Beijing General Manager and staff has had came to drink the liqure in Eizen sometimes.
I have seen same situation near in Shinbashi Tokyo hotel before, when I have business trip to SET Software Tokyo in 2009.
I have stayed 2nd day in Shinbashi Tokyo hotel arranged by Ms.Chen (Beijing Chinese) of SET Software Tokyo, SET software Kyushu Branch Office Director Mr.NAKAO (former MITSUI & CO., LTD.) ,But Mr.NAKAO had used hotels often, I heard that mention from Mr.Hiroshi Kamimizuguchi, SET Beijing. I have stayed first day in Shinjyuku Business Hotel, there was the suspicious Murder crime gimmicks also, So I heard that recomended hotel 2nd day from Mr.Hiroshi Kamimizuguchi.
Seems that is cooperated muder between Korean-Japanese and Korean-Chinese(long stayed in Japan) with Life Insulance and the property embezzlement.

10/2009, On the first day, Shinjyuku Business Hotel, I got the Guide Mr.Kamimizuguchi said, his home in Tokyo.
He said "sorry but please be patient here today", This hotel was very small room ,bed only, even suspicious,
I had spent the night in 24 H Café in Shinjuku TOKYO. I had returned the room key to the hotel counter and wash face in the next morning. I met two people like a Yakuza over 60 old years when I washing face.

Also, Four 50-year-old peoples about Western men (maybe, Germany) has had came Starbucks, Beijing FULI Plaza had showed up, he's a serious look and talk for a while, returned. They had to say and “Kill him by Fire Killing Machine or Powerful Poison Gas in the factory of the Beijing asking Westerners (seems Germany people)", just little before at Golden Bridge Hotel Apartment into my Brain Implantable, Chinese guys had talk voice was heard. Another, to Westerners (I think Apple or SAP or Boehringer Ingelheim) two 25-year-old Girl and Guy had Internet access with Apple Power book.

几天后,在北京富力广场,星巴克咖啡,,我有经常来了这里,喝咖啡在休息日、 突然,两个人进来了。他们的外表美女和那家伙像北京犯罪集团老板(北京政界!?),他用英文和中文在电话上谈了话。
HONG KONG,中年的男和女,好想做杀我的计划了。
Starbucks Coffee,
101 4th street @ Mission street. San Francisco.
Next "Target Market"
(415) 369-6284
Today, on November 24, 2013, Two peoples came in Starbucks Coffee,
HONG KONG people, middle-aged men and women, they have make plans to kill me.
I saw two faces, So it recorded in the United States national security agency database, Two peoples face.
Starbucks Coffee,
101 4th street @ Mission street. San Francisco.
Next "Target Market"
(415) 369-6284

Mr.Li Chao's (Former MARUBENI Corp) friends, 北京清华大学 (Tsinghua University Graduated).
Mr.Li Chao's wife is Japanese (Korean_Japanese), Same as Dennis Russell (US NSA-Pacific NSA observation) also.
Continue to Crime Report in Beijing, Jun 2009.!24h-murder-in-bejing/c1881