Site Created by Kojiro IUCHI, 2013-11-30
Plaintiff: Kojiro IUCHI.
St. Vincent de Paul Society (MSC South)
525 ,5th Street ,San Francisco,CA, USA. 94107
Phone: +1-415-597-7960 (24 hours)
Kojiro IUCHI's facebook:
Updated: 2014-1-29
Seen Hiroyuki ARAKI had lived 4 or 5 months before in this address,
10 Ala Moana Street, Lahaina,Maui Island, Hawaii 96761 USA, in Oct of 2013. Kobe Yamaguchi-gumi gangsters had still make an interception to my asset acceptance for me while hiding the insurance money bet for my huge assets equant and then had got the assassination plan in background, with Korean-Japanese-China violence organizations mainly.
Also June of 2013, Edward Joseph Snowden was stayed in Hawaii, the US NSA ,Kunia Regional SIGINT Operations Center, Hawaii base.

Owner of Ohana Japan (オハナ・ジャパン)
Address : 兵庫県 西宮市 泉町 1-2
1-2 Izumi-cho, NISHINOMIYA city, Hyogo Pref.,Japan. below.

Overseas office:
10 Ala Moana Street, Lahaina,Maui Island, Hawaii 96761 USA.
He likes the flower , "Japanese Camellia", this is symbol for he is stay or not.

In Jan of 2014, Kobe BURAKU peoples of Takumi-gumi crime syndicates (Yamaguchi-gumi collaboration), TIS, Hyogo Pref. BoE, SONY, they still have been attack me.
KOBE Yamaguchi-Gumi ,Yakuza Forwarders, Should be the felony of criminal offenders.
Crime Main Suspect No. 1:
Hiriyuki ARAKI (新木宏之), Yamaguchi-Gumi staff,
He had used fake Japanese Charactor "荒木宏之” on his blog (FB), "新木宏之” is correct, but same call "Araki",
and his age got fake also, Hiroyuki ARAKI said "71 years-old", actually over "80 years-old", please see his face below.
That's why fake?, Hiroyuki ARAKI has want to does not match my crime report to hide the parent-child relationship,Son ,Masayuki ARAKI (1957) and daughter, Eri ARAKI (Same age as me, 1958 or 1959) and his wife,
four family.
his FB:
Seen this criminal offence become evident, Hiroyuki ARAKI has hiding in Nishinomiya City, Samurai house Japan designated, see photo attachments, found the picture on his blog. (during address verification now).
He is a cleaner in there,Japan cultural assets as Samurai house also.
The Office Address to another available in Hawaii ,United States and Nishinomiya City,Hyogo Pref.,Japan as follows.
I, Kojiro IUCHI confirmed Hiroyuki Araki's Google blog, he had accessed his Google blog from Maui, Hawaii confirmed.
Hiriyuki ARAKI (新木宏之), Yamaguchi-Gumi staff, Owner of Ohana Japan (オハナ・ジャパン) , 1-2 Izumi-cho, NISHINOMIYA city, Hyogo Pref.,Japan. (兵庫県西宮市泉町1-2), Overseas office: 10 Ala Moana Street, Lahaina, Hawaii 96761 USA. 71 years-old, Seems, Eri ARAKI's big brother, there are three ARAKI family. His hobby is Jazz.
Hiroyuki ARAKI was thought since most old times had joined the criminal of my property embezzlement and murder plan, other than Yamaguchi-gumi crime syndicate thugs, Hyogo Police, Kobe Educational Committee and KOBE, Hyogo Officials in KOBE city.
Hiroyuki ARAKI had made plan for my huge property embezzlement, family murders and running.
Hiroyuki ARAKI had still runs this heinous crime, he is over 80-year-old himself,seen “Villainous People” including his family, can't found other words.
Still more, they got robust crime support 23th of Jan,2014 also.
Hyogo Police, Toshizo IDO as Governor, Tomoyuki YOSHIMOTO as Vice Governor of Hyogo Prefecture, officials, Kobe city, “Yamaguchi-gumi”, “Kodo-kai” Aichi Prefecture, Osaka “Takumi-Gumi” Yakuza, “Ozaki-gumi” Tokushima prefecture.
Tomoyuki YOSHIMOTO had causing a big problem recently,but he had promoted to Vice Governor of Hyogo Prefecture from Chief of Hyogo Education Committee.
That's why?, It's evidence that rotten, Hyogo Prefecture, local authorities especially!!!
Shigeru ISHIBA have strong relationship with Kakuei TANAKA, former Staff of SUMITOMO MITSU Bank in 1978.
Masayuki ARAKI (新木雅之), Hiroyuki ARAKI's eldest son,
Hiroyuki ARAKI have strong relationship to Japan Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, from the 1980s, because his son, Masayuki ARAKI is enrolled in Shikoku Forest Brew, KOCHI city as Japan Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and had cooperation crime with LDP, Democratic Party of Japan, Yamaguchi-gumi,Japan Imperial Agency (three top) and Old Politician.
former Shikoku forest Managing Director Mr. Masayuki Araki.
Ministry of Agriculture, forestry and Fisheries Japan, announced human resources in 8/12/2011,
Shikoku forest management Bureau to allot cabinet , Masayuki Araki. 8/15/2011 Update.
Masayuki Araki, Tokyo University graduates.
In 1979, Enrolled Ministry of agriculture,forestry and fishers.
in 8/2011, Land, infrastructure and Transport Ministry of Hokkaido Development Bureau Deputy
57 Years old (current 1/2014 ).
Born in Hyogo Prefecture.
Hot News!!
In Jan of 14th, 2014, Masayuki ARAKI, Director of Shikoku Forest Management Bureau, the personnel of the forestry agency was replaced with Kyoko ASAKAWA as succesor, Masayuki ARAKI had enrolled the head of agricultural and food industry technology general studies physiological system specific industrial technology research center,
Kyoko ASAKAWA is the first woman Director General.
Mr.Yasuhiro SHIMADA, Assistant Professor worked in former forestry Commissioner from last October,2013, Minister's secretariat and political policy Division policy Director for analysis was a retired in Dec of 31th, 2013.
Eri ARAKI (新木絵里),Hiroyuki ARAKI's eldest daughter,
Eri ARAKI had got married with KAMIYA family as Executive of "Dihatsu Automotive(Ikeda city)" in Ashiya city, in before 2001. Dihatsu Automotive is like a subsidiary of TOYOTA.
I had took telephone to her home in KOBE city, around 2001.
She was married with KAMIYA already, her mother said.
Eri ARAKI (Vocal, Osaka Music University) was induced to the crime for Ex-wife and my friends in Hyogo Pref.
Previously, I,Kojiro IUCHI heard from Eri ARAKI that “Her father,Hiroyuki ARAKI was missing” when I attend Mikage Technical Hi School in year 1978.
Furthermore, Eri ARAKI had said "Come call phone every 2 years from her father, Hiroyuki ARAKI" and I have memorized.
Eri ARAKI and her mother, just two of peoples had living in her home in Nozaki-dori, Nada-ku, Kobe city confirmed at that time.
I felt at that time. "Her father, Hiroyuki ARAKI have a huge own debt ? , Or teamed up with Yamaguchi-Gumi gangsters and huge money borrow from the Bank? "
Now I'm thinking, It performs the property embezzlement homicide crimes by his reason !?
I thought now that a bank loan officer, stakeholders was Hiroshi Mikitani in Japan Industrial Bank or his relatives at that time.
From year 1983, began a first offence triggered or became the motive for the crime?,
Along with that was aimed my property with Japan politicians old and new,Yamaguchi-Gumi gangsters and Korean crime residents in Japan,filed a deliberate crime so far..
Episode with her,
Eri ARAKI have studying in Osaka Music College (Junior College) ,elective other vocal was learning Snare Drums.
One day, Eri ARAKI had invite me to coming to Osaka Music College in Higashimikuni , when her attending Osaka College of music at that time.
She said, "Do you want to use the practice room drum please come to Osaka Music College once" .
Another day, I met Eri ARAKI in Higashi Mikuni, Hankyu Railway station for go to the Osaka College of Music.
I thought that "Drum Set can't practice in there, can play snare drum only in a small room confirmed.
And on the way to my music job place,I tried to go to the Jazz Club "MIZUTANI".
Eri ARAKI want to go to Osaka with her reason, I said, let's go together.
Jazz Club "MIZUTANI" drums work time, I have time until after 19:00 said,
Eri ARAKI said, let's go to classical music score shop in Osaka Ekimae Dai 3 Bldg.
Previously, I explained her, Eri ARAKI to Jazz Club Drums Job before, the Soka Gakkai, Mr.Yasunori (PIANO) introduced me, I had drum play in Osaka Jazz Club was talking to her.
Also I heard from Jazz Bassist of Soka Gakkai, Mr.OKUZAKI, "Yasunori's daughter is Jazz Vocalist,nick name as Chaka".
Chaka was joined Osaka band name "AFRICA".
It was just happens to be I formed female vocal band "Kaleidoscope" afterwards,lead vocals, Yuju KISANUKI was joined band "Africa".
And I remembered after we have go out from Osaka music score shop, went to my workplace as Jazz Club "MIZUTANI" for just confirmation, near Osaka Ekimae Dai 3 Bldg, has walk by 5 min.
Nane Unknown, Hiroyuki ARAKI's wife, I met his wife once and Eri ARAKI with Shigemaro OKUSA(Masaki CHITOSE and Masaki UEDA's young brother) for we have listen to “LP record, Sleeping Gypsy's Antonio's song Micheal Franks” with Eri ARAKI in her home in Nozaki-dori, Nada-ku, KOBE city before.
Also June of 2013, Edward Joseph Snowden was stayed in Hawaii, the US NSA (Kunia Regional SIGINT Operations Center, Hawaii base).
Shortly after that, he had obtained reveals information and connect to the NSA scandal, became the Hong Kong S.A.R., South America and eventually exiled to Russia, now also.
Seems, Hiroyuki Araki had try to contact Edward Joseph Snowden or his boss of NSA,Keith Brian Alexander for hidden criminal crime information by Korean-Japanese and Chinese-Japanese Politicians, Japan Democratic Party, and or Hiroyuki Araki had arranged the meeting for NSA and Japanese Politicians came from Japan.
It may Snowden had passing the confidential information (periodical reports) of the NSA to Democratic Party (Ministry of Education or Ministry of Agriculture) of Japan via Hiroyuki Araki (HAWAII, US) .
and also considered used this information by Hiroyuki ARAKI relative, Korean-Japanese Kobe-Yamaguchi gumi for criminal offences.
Other story, Hiroyuki Araki had tried to arranged the assassination plan and execute for Edward Joseph Snowden by Chemical substances (cancer) or Viruses (leukemia)!!? with Yamaguchi Gumi relative, mean Japanese relative open “Food Shop (Noodle Shop, Japanese Pizza (Okonomi, Yakisoba), Japanese Restaurant, Drink Water Delivery)” in Hawaii,USA.
After this scenario, Shinzo Abe, Japan Prime Minister had permitted come to Japan for Russia, President “Vladimir Putin” said.
When the meeting to he visit Japan, plans in earlier this year 2014.
World now, we should be monitoring for this meeting, whether the assassination for me or not.
Anyway,we had considered to mainly Yamaguchi-gumi, Yakuza Organization (extreme Japan right-wing) had access“Vladimir Putin” through Taro ASO, Japan financial Minster.
Others, Shinzo Abe, attending Davos meeting in Jan of 23th, 2014.
Edward Joseph Snowden (Now currently in exile in Russia) Wikipedia:
Edward Snowden had resigned in 2009, CIA, DELL had contracts with the NSA, then employed by the consulting firm “Booz Allen Hamilton Inc”.
“Booz Allen Hamilton Inc” had took over operations to the U.S. military base in NSA-related facilities in Japan, Edward Snowden was interested in popular culture to Japan popular culture (manga and anime),that activities to promote the anime organizations by the Ministry of Education, science and technology (MEXT) Japan.
I thought that he had relations with former Minster of Ministry of Education, science and technology (MEXT), Makiko TANAKA, Yuko MORI (Ichiro OZAWA's cat's paw) as Japan Democratic Party.
Now, Hakubun SHIMOMURA, Minster of Education, science and technology (MEXT).
Also Edward Snowden had interested Chinese Language (ordinary story) and got a profound Buddhist, etc. Mr.Case Alexander, NSA Secretary said “12 months contract with Snowden” explains.
He worked at NSA for comfort, 200,000 USD salary had been given any treatment side.
And in 2011, University of Liverpool at the nationals was reported.
May of 2013, Booz Allen Hamilton Inc's... and then Edward Snowden had moved to the Kunia Regional SIGINT Operations Center based in the State of Hawaii of the NSA, Edward Snowden had assumed duty as NSA system administrator in Hawaii,USA.
His position was a management of confidential documents and concerning personal information, he can contact at all times at that time.

the flower pict in near his office.
from his FB blog.