Site Created by Kojiro IUCHI, 2013-11-30
Plaintiff: Kojiro IUCHI.
St. Vincent de Paul Society (MSC South)
525 ,5th Street ,San Francisco,CA, USA. 94107
Phone: +1-415-597-7960 (24 hours)
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Updated: 2014-1-29 (english) (Japanese)
Taro ASO
Brain Implantable Device (Human Killer Device):
Taro Aso's top kids eat sacrificial demonic dedicated Satanism:
Japan Politician Family relative.
(Taro ASO and Shinzo ABE)

Taro Aso boss on the Weimar Constitution of a worldwide disgrace recognition and gaffe:
KOBE Tech cement construction
Seems there's relationship with Kobe-Yamaguchi (KODO-KAI) gumi, ASO Taro Aso concrete and Hiroshi MIKITANI.
Crime communicator, Yoshinori MORITA, MARUBENI Corp(Fluent Cantonese, Mandarin, English,YAMAGUCHI Gumi) also.
This president home in shioya near my home (8-4-5) there was walk by 1 minute, Dangerous my daughter!!
Considered Mr.IDE had in-charged the supervision of China Beijing Embassy buildings, even teaming up with this President, Yamaguchi-gumi , Japan Government(Taro ASO,Minister of economy, trade and industry) and Takenaka Corporation. Their involved Japanese Ambassador in Beijing, China and WenJiaBao relative.
Mr.IDE's hometown in Yokohama (Kanagawa Prefecture) in Shibaura Institute of technology,architecture, after that joined Department of public office of construction company in YOKOHAMA.
He got money by the KDDI telephone cheap call service (2 - 300,000, 000 JPY ), after that opened SEX SHOP at Tokyo Kabuki-Cho featuring foreign women.
Mr.IDE fails on marrying a Japanese in Yokohama and the divorce.
After that, IDE had married and China Shanghai people, had been living for a while
2009, he had divorced in Shanghai wife and I heard that he divorced 3 times in Eizen.
Since I, Kojiro IUCHI had came to Beijing,he had friends,”Zhou” lucky Street Japan restaurant (“KURAZEN”2 F) Chinese shopkeepers.
Also, investing and managing by Toru SASAKI in Beijing.
Toru SASAKI had involed new invester, Mr.IDE for operating "Eizen (license: Mr.Cho)" shop owner in2010.
Seems the Beijing Japanese construction company, teamed with KOBE Tech are committing a crime is not or (Takenaka Corporation).
Undertake Eizen "Funakoshi (Hometown: KYUSYU, Chiba industrial University graduated)" ago it, had operated “Eizen” (Okonomiyaki in charge right now).
Mr.IDE had married women of Beijing's "Non-bei" the "KIRARA" barber shop owner in Beijing and Dalian.
was owned in the next President "Eizen".
This "Non-bei" store is closed now, expand the maid café featuring women wearing pinstripes in the name of "Eizen" imitates the style of anime (Manager: Minegishi, Taiwan-Japanese, wokred in Beijing 3rd Hospital). Mr.Tangkai, Beijing has proposed Chinese cuisine on its side.
Seen like this President, baseball is good at that and involved them in this crime.
MARUBENI Corp. (Guangzhou, China) machinery Division, and my boss.
Sakae KISHIKAWA, Marubeni Corp. (former Tokyo University, baseball, live in Yokohama)
Tokyo 6 University baseball members (pitcher).
Tomohisa INAYAMA (Japan Sports University (gymnastics),former national library service).
He worked in YANO Electric in KOBE city.
He have a baseball experience in Hyogo tournament in high school (pitcher).
I had IT job in Beijing,SET software.
SET software financial director Mr.KOSUGE( former staff of Mizuho Bank, Diichi-Kangyo Bank)
Members of the former Tokyo 6 University baseball (pitcher).
I had often visited the Jazz Cafe,“Maiden Voyage”,Lucky street.
Shinpei MATSUDA (Beijing Jazz Cafe, former “Maiden Voyage”, Shop Manager)
Beijing peoples University, studying in Kyoto Sangyo University .
he living in Beijing, seems buildup the Baseball Club with
Manager of Beijing YOKITOSHI Shop ( Okayama Pref., same as Takakazu YANO)
Professional baseball teams formed in Beijing, China.
(JAL sommelier, Hara she has support this units)
Considered ,OSHITA family, former wife's, KAZUKO's brother,
Masaru OSHITA (Hyogo high school baseball team and Doshisha baseball,worked in Yamato Transport)